Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Seeing green . . .

Looked into my stash and saw I had lotsa greens . . . . time to scrap-bust!

Cut them up into 3" squares and put them together in a 9-patch. No idea what to do next. Anyone?!


SCLover said...

nita.... Buat patch quilt Tote bag cantik !!!..tapi saya tak pandai quilt..tengok hasil quilt nita mmg cantik... dreaming nak buat quilt T.Bag, tp ntah bila...

MamaDaniel said...

buat quilt sis.. border kaler hitam (utk boys) or border kaler bright pink (untuk gegirl.. ) yum yum... delicious... hehehe...

pastu applique bunga besar2.. comel..comel.. (ini utk girl lagi..)